Common signs of hearing loss include having difficulty keeping up with conversations, needing those around you to repeat themselves, or perhaps hearing buzzing or ringing in your ears. The good news is there are many ways you can improve your hearing. As a first step, take our online hearing test to assess whether a friend or family member has hearing loss.
You may not be able to hear people talking around you clearly. They may seem to be speaking too quietly or you may not be able to make out certain words and phrases. Understanding other people’s speech against background noise or in crowds may be hard.
You also may have trouble working out who’s speaking to you when it’s noisy. The effort of trying to understand may be making you feel tired or frustrated. If you believe you may be experiencing signs of hearing loss, we can help.
Do you need to turn the TV up a little louder these days? Is it getting harder to hear what people are saying to you in crowded rooms with lots of background noise? Are you having difficulty hearing the phone ring? Do you often miss calls? You might be experiencing hearing loss.
Ask yourself the below questions to find out whether you may have hearing loss.
If you answer yes to at least two of these questions, you might have hearing loss. It’s okay. You’re not alone. Help is available. It takes an average of seven years for someone with hearing difficulties to seek help.