New hearing loss research released

Mar, 24, 2017

We are pleased to advise that the “Listen Hear! New Zealand” 2017 research report has been released.

In 2016, The National Foundation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, in partnership with the wider hard of hearing and deaf community, commissioned Deloitte Access Economics (Australia) to produce a report on the economic impact of hearing loss in New Zealand.

The report's key findings:

  1. Hearing loss is a significant issue facing the New Zealand population, as 880,350 people in New Zealand now live with mild to profound levels of hearing loss, representing 18.9% of the population.
  2. The health sector costs are estimated at $131.8 million.
  3. The total loss of tax revenue from lower employee productivity is estimated to be $254.6 million.
  4. Hearing loss cost the New Zealand economy $957.3 million in 2016.
  5. The net value of lost well-being and social impact in 2016 is estimated at $3.9 billion.
  6. Total cost of hearing loss in New Zealand through the year of 2016 is estimated at $4.9 billion.
  7. The full report is now from The National Foundation for the Deaf Inc. website
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